Arinex leads sustainability initiatives by example

Australasian event management company Arinex has become the first to trial a new reforestation project open to business event groups visiting Tropical North Queensland.
While in Cairns for the Arinex Conference, team members learned about the endangered ecosystem of the Wongabel Mabi Forest Restoration project. The team funded the planting of enough native trees to remove the non-travel related carbon emissions generated by the conference.
“This project highlights a practical and impactful way that sustainability can be incorporated into conference and incentive programmes,” said Nicole Walker, managing director of Arinex.
Situated on the Atherton Tablelands near Cairns, the project is the only one of its kind involving Mabi Forest species. It is a collaboration between Reforest (a company that assists businesses in taking climate action), Terrain (an environmental management organisation) and the local community.
With support from Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ), their goal is to revegetate an area of land previously cleared for forestry and agriculture by enlisting the help of businesses and individuals. The project helps businesses drive change through carbon removal activities that are engaging and personalised for customers and event attendees.
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