Meet in Wales highlights sustainability initiatives

Meet in Wales has announced a series of initiatives aimed at attracting green leading business and events and incentivising sustainability.
Covering strategy, funding and law, the initiatives will see Wales further extend its industrial sector strategy to embrace its growing renewables sector, while at the same time underlining two new incentive funds that encourage sustainable activity within the event industry. These initiatives all sit alongside a series of new legislation within the destination that underpin the approach at a national governmental level.
Last month saw the launch of the Event Wales Sector Development Fund, which provides financial incentives for sustainable events while also encouraging events that take place within the country to behave sustainably.
Heledd Williams, head of business events for Meet in Wales, said sustainability is becoming a key focus in the event industry.
“Increasingly, events are being used to showcase the green agenda of the businesses and brands that run them,” Williams said. “Within Wales, there is already a highly sophisticated energy and environment sector that employs over 58,000 people, generating over £4.8 billion in revenue. Additionally, many of our venues and destinations form part of this story and create really visible examples of ‘green business’.”
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