Northern Sweden to host the fourth EU-US Trade and Technology Council

The fourth EU-US Trade and Technology Council meeting will be held in Lulea in northern Sweden at the end of May. The meeting will be held as part of Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Sweden took over the presidency in January 2023.
“The Trade and Technology Council is in many ways a forum where we discuss how to face the challenges of implementing the green and digital shift,” said Johan Forssell, Sweden's minister for international development cooperation and foreign trade, in a press release. “Northern Sweden – and Lulea in particular – is the perfect place to show how Sweden is handling many of these challenges.”
The Trade and Technology Council was launched in June 2021 and is the main forum for political coordination between the United States and the European Union on important global trade, economic and technological issues. Meetings have previously been held in Pittsburgh, Paris and Washington, D.C.
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