IMEX Frankfurt: Putting planners in the driving seat
“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims,” said architect, writer and philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller describing the need to proactively embrace change, which is fast becoming a core skill in today’s business climate.
The education programme at IMEX Frankfurt this May is centred around helping planners to respond to and navigate their way through change, both professionally and personally.
The result is a new set of education tracks reflecting the way people now live and work - attendees can ‘pick and mix’ across these tracks to suit their skill requirements. Event Marketing is a brand-new addition, while Technology and Innovation, Trends and Research and Experience Design are tried and tested tracks that are always in demand. A new Business Practices track will include the ever-popular Event Planner Toolkit, while a People and Planet track will specifically address Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), Professional and Personal Development, Leadership, Culture and Engagement, Wellbeing and Sustainability.
Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group, sums up: “In the current climate, we’re all dealing with an increased pace of change. The choice is how we frame the changes that face us at any point in time. Our learning programme at IMEX Frankfurt has been designed with great detail and care to guide people and help them embrace change to benefit their lives, their teams and their events.”